Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Flickr - Thingy 6

Okay I am now *behind* LOL! Onto thingy 6.

May I add a comment here?

I feel this information is coming too fast and too rapidly.

I could spend ALOT more time on Flickr, but to keep up
with the speed of the posts, I can't do as much exploring
as I'd like. I feel like I'm on a *forced march* and not
moving at a pace I'm comfortable with.

In the future I suggest that we do this in a "non time limited" manner - that is we
allow folks to move at a pace they are comfortable with, to maximize
the learning opportunity. Otherwise, I think we will find many
folks demoralized, dropping out, or tuning out. I know it works
that way for me when I feel too stressed to learn....

Okay, that said... thingy 6 ... Flickr tools. Below is
a link to webmonkey which had/has a great article on the top
10 rated Flickr tools. I found it very interesting:

My favorite tool of all those was the one that let you caption
pictures! I know, I know ..purely an entertainment tool. However,
one that adds another layer of enjoyment/information to a picture.

So, my tool of choice - it's called "Captioner" and is
created by someone named "shady dentist" (no, really it is, LOL!)

I am going to try to caption my Flickr picture of the
"Lovecats" LOL! But that's for later. For now, I'm
going to go have a bit of fun on Flickr...


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