Thursday, October 25, 2007

Schedules where I work

More on this later - maybe in 2 years when I no longer
work for my current manager and get "blessed" and
transfered back to sanity.

Let me just say, where I work is pretty insane.

Down the rabbit hole is the term I've coined for it.
Where to start, oh where to start? Its just -
so dearranged.

So now I joke as in "I'm going down the rabbit hole today"

Grim humor is needed to survive - and to think I
once worked for the best manager in the entire organization.

Its true. A good manager makes the work place so much
more ... enjoyable. And happy employees are so much more...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Logging the Day's Activity

So we've been asked to keep track of our daily work, to better
be able to account for our time, colleague support and departmental

Herewith, I will begin blogging on this blog about my day's work achievements.

I have broken the day into 15 minute increments, and will account on daily
basis for the time I spend at work on various duties and tasks.

I estimate the process takes around an hour a day
to track and fill out the information properly.

At the end of the week, by COB Friday,
I will compile my daily logs/blog and submit the weekly report, the daily
logs to my supervisor, in print and electronic format. This is to ensure the
information is properly tracked.

So - what did I do, today 9/13/07? I began my day by opening
the reference desk. I arrived at 9:01 to the building, put my lunch
in the fridge, and proceeded to put my purse and keys at my desk.

I turned on my desk computer. Then went back to the ref
desk and turned on the ref desk computers (2), cleaned them,
and the desk. Logged into Horizon, Sam and Internet. Cleaned
the phones with wet wipes. Dusted the desk and printers.

Loaded fresh paper into all the printers.

That took me to 9:30. Then I began cleaning screens on
the Internets, and turning on the screens. I completed
that at 9:50.

I was not on the desk at opening, so I went and took a pee
break. I then went back to the office, to begin my individual
reference duties.

I checked work email, responded where needed - then -
put the cart of new books for review away - shelving the
new ones on the new book shelves, putting more mysteries
on the displays, and transfering the paperback and digital
sound media to the shelving carts for circulation.

After that, I went to find the book cart for Reference.
It was fully loaded with books, so I
swapped the old cart for the new cart.

Brought it back to Ref Office. Distributed the discards,
damaged items for review. Assisted Hugh in putting
cart in order. Emailed Jordan to let her know 1/2 the
cart consisted of "new" travel books that superceeded
older editions, so she could review and pull older copies
and replace as needed.

Then I worked the desk 12-1. I had lunch a quick
pee, and then sat down to reviewed incoming
work email 1-2, also scanned the
Wash Post and other media to improve my "awareness"
of current events during this time period.

2-3 worked the Ref Desk. 3-4 worked on getting up
to speed on Programming - my new duty. Reviewed
proceedures with Aaron and Jason and Brett. Made
sure September program set ups were good to go.

4-5 worked the Ref Desk, and worked on setting up my blog
entry in between reference transactions.

I reviewed my paper 15 minute log, compiled statistics
for the day (no. reference desk transactions).

At 5 pm (30 minutes from now) I will be leaving for the
day, having opened at 9 am.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I'm DONE! Yayy!

I can't believe it, I'm actually DONE! YES!
All 23 Thingies are done! On time even.
Way to go. And now I bid you all adieu, adieu!
Goodnight, goodnight all!!

Thingy 21 - Podcasts, Smodcasts

Well, I added a podcast feed I like to my blog,
I put in a podcast from WSJ! Its under my
sailing pictures, ontop the other RSS feeds I
inserted. :)

Thingy no. 23 - My its over

Now its over, I'm thrilled I did it. :) I had alot of fun on some
parts, frustration in others. I generally disliked the podcast
(waste of my time, why not go in person, or listen to TV or
DVD or some other pre recorded medium?)

I loved the wiki's, the mashups and all that "fun" stuff.
And of course, YouTube... who doesn't like browsing
for fun stuff??!!

I will definitely do another challenge like this if we
are offered one. It was a good fun way to get
the staff started "playing". And "playing" is
how we learn best.

Thingy no. 22 - NetLibrary, out of order!

Okay, skipping out of order here! I wanted to do this assignment,
because naturally, I've already done it. :) I have a Netlibrary
account and have had ever since we got the service.

Netlibrary has a lot of excellent content, from non fiction to some fiction. I like the audio language learning books.

(I'm going to check out the Learning French titles ASAP!)

Monday, March 26, 2007

Taking a breather

Okay, I've made it in short order to no. 20 - and I played catch up to do
it. Now I am going to take a little breather. Its fun to do this, but it
*is* time consuming if you get into it. You can start getting
lost in the mist if you follow my drift (pardon the pun!).

Thingy 20 - YOU TUBE!

Yes, yes, yes!!! My favorite Youtube video is: (I tiny URL'd it, so it would fit
better in my blog.

I love this video, because as I say, sometimes life is like this!!

I love YouTube, and would spend alot more time on it
than I should if I had the chance, which I don't. (Besides,
my slow speed connection at home makes it a little
less than "instant" gratification...)

We could post videos of patron/staff interactions on Youtube
to show how friendly and people oriented we are, LOL. Or
have teens film and post as an exercise in learning how
to use YouTube, or teach adults for that matter a "how
to class". It would be alot of fun...

Thingy 19 - SEOmoz's awards

Well, I chose Craigslist, chiefly cause I love using it!

I mean, for one stop shopping social network cum newspaper
classifieds you can't beat it. I've already bought stove pellets
for my stove from Craigslist, and I've seen any number of
interesting posts for motorcycle leathers, which I might be

It just doesn't get any better for the bargin hunting
lover. Oh, and yes, its a great place to refer patrons when
they ask where they can "get some fill dirt?"...LOL!

The other award winners looked tempting too. I could
spend alot of time browsing that site!

Thingy 18 - Web based aps

This I must confess, I have already done!

See one of my earliest links - where I include info
on the Web Widgets story... Dec 25, 2006 post, in
my archives...

I found it interesting ... perhaps we can just ditch the
MS Office concept altogether... certainly gives you alot
more flexibility...and a less cluttered desktop!

Thingy 17 - PB Wiki

Of course, Peanut Butter Wiki! :) I did it,
and it was lots of fun...

I looove the wiki concept :)

Thingy 16 wiki, wiki, wiki

veni, vidi, vici

I came, I saw, I conquered. (The laconic despatch in which Julius Ceasar announced to the Senate his victory over Pharnaces. Pronounce the "v" as a "w")

So, wiki, wiki wiki everywhere!! I have an idea - use the wiki for
reader's advisory/interactive with your patrons (Adult summer reading for
example, book clubs for another...) I'm sure its been done somewhere
and is being done somewhere even as I write...

Anyhow, love the wiki concept, esp. love my

Thingy 14 Technorati

Okay, Technorati seen and done, check. I feel
like this is a jigzaw puzzle sometimes. It's fun
to put the pieces together, and get that "ah ha"
insight sometimes as to how it all hangs together!!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Thingy 15 - web 2.0

Oooh, I'm skipping out of order here. Web 2.0 is nothing new
to me, I've got the link to a blog/website that deals exclusively
with this topic, plus one of my early posts was a link to an article
"Web 2.0 is it Dead?" ... So this is something I've followed awhile.

I like the rehtoric, but I think that the practical implementation and
the actual implications of rolling out this techology may make the
central authority types very very nervous indeed. For in its simplest
self, it ceeds much power and control to the lower ranks.... it equalizes
the footing if you will. Now, you *have* to trust and back up your
staff... and you have to encourage innovation in the ranks.

For progressive organizations, this won't be a problem, rather a blessing.
For those organizations where the cultures don't embrace and
or permit the full implementation of the technology, there will be problems....

Ultimately, it will be very interesting to see the way in which this develops,
and the service enhancements that arise out of.

See my link under "fave links" to the Web 2.0 site...worth a look.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Thingy 13 - tagging

Okay. I can see the benefits of tagging to some people.
I mean, if you have lots of things you are interested in or
tracking, then this might be of use.

For me personally, this is not a useful feature. I
use very few sites, and basically when I *do* want something
I use a search engine to locate it.

I don't book mark in Explorer either...

So, for me tagging has very little purpose or use.

That said, like alot of these sites and exercises,
it was fun to play with!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Thingy 12 Rollyo

hum.. not so sure I understand what I'm doing here,
but I think I just put the rollyo searchroll (or what
ever they call it) into my blog.

Um.. yep. There it is, atop little ole Miew Miew the
Magnificent's picture...

So, mission successful! Although, really I must
go back and play somemore....

Friday, February 2, 2007

Thingy 11 - Library Thing - My Catalog!

You would think being a librarian, my house would
be full of books. And this is true, LOL.

However, what need do I have to have them *cataloged*
for goodness sake? That seems, speaking off the cuff, a trifle too
obsessively organized...

Besides, my books don't reside neatly on shelves.
They decorate and occupy the many nooks
and cranies of my house.

One might say, the books have licence to roam!!

Below, a link to my account on Library Thing:

Library Thing

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Random Post - Unattended Children in the Library

Not part of the list of "thingies" for us to do..

From the librarian in black blog, comes this link to
a post on unattended children in the library.

I found it interesting, and thought
others might also find the article thought provoking.

Unattended Children in the Library

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Thingy 10 - Image Generators & Sloganizer!

Well, the image generators are cool. Do you like
my captioned Emperor? LOL.

I also liked this very cool free web site called "Sloganizer"
found at

It creates free slogans for you
based on any key words you give it.

Useful, in our line of work, eh?

Friday, January 19, 2007

Thingy 9 - Exploring RSS Feeds & news aggregator tools

Okay, I think I did 8 & 9 together in the last post,
as I managed to insert feeds into this here blog.

OTH, I didn't truely go out and explore the RSS feed
tools. Now that I have? I think I like the whole idea
of putting a blog scraper (searching for keyword specific
content in sites w/out RSS feeds) tools on my blog, to
search for library related content. :)

Bear with me, because I'm going to try to do so.
(Oh the joys of getting something you aren't really
sure of to work!).

While scraping is controversial because you are
taking content and posting without explicit permission -
I believe that content posted on the web, unless specifically
copyrighted, is basically free for useage such as a personal,
non-profit oriented blog. Which basically, this is.

Sounds strage coming from a librarian, but I think the
argument, with a few "riders" attached to modify it
is basically sound. After all, these blogs are basically
personal diaries, and not many people put them up with
the intent to make profit. Rather, the intent is to *share* their
insights, creations, etc.

Okay, enough blathering.

Feedity (link to follow) a free
tool that generates web feeds... I put in the google
web site address, and the feeds tool gave me a link
which turns out to be in XML..

code which I can't insert, since this blog
thinks it's improperly written HTML, LOL!!

Well, you guys go and check out
feedity and see if you can view the code..
it is on the whole pretty interesting...

Try entering LCPL's main library page...


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Thingy 8 - RSS Feeds, Bloglines & all that jazz

Okay, read it, heard it, ready to try it!

That's my public Blogline account!

As to the rest, I had to jigger around a bit,
but I managed to embed the RSS Feeds into my blog -

check under the sailing photo - and yes, there they are!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Thingy 7 - a post about technology

Hum.. a post about technology. Very vauge guidance that...

Anyhoo... since it was unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show
what about Apple's move to the iphone? and of course, Apple TV...

Here's the pertainent linkage.. although if you google it, you will
get plenty of news articles.

What do you think the effects of this will be? I see they've restricted
it to the Cingular phone service (the iphone that is) and I wonder about that.
some folks don't like Cingular's service. Are they going to lock the phones
down, so that they *only* work on Cingular's service networks??

Personally, not being a digital toy person, I don't see the effects of this
as being drastic, although, if they could get it to really work... well.
Then we'd be wired 24/7.

What's next? Plugging into the brain?

(Actually that probably *is* where we're headed...)

Flickr - Thingy 6

Okay I am now *behind* LOL! Onto thingy 6.

May I add a comment here?

I feel this information is coming too fast and too rapidly.

I could spend ALOT more time on Flickr, but to keep up
with the speed of the posts, I can't do as much exploring
as I'd like. I feel like I'm on a *forced march* and not
moving at a pace I'm comfortable with.

In the future I suggest that we do this in a "non time limited" manner - that is we
allow folks to move at a pace they are comfortable with, to maximize
the learning opportunity. Otherwise, I think we will find many
folks demoralized, dropping out, or tuning out. I know it works
that way for me when I feel too stressed to learn....

Okay, that said... thingy 6 ... Flickr tools. Below is
a link to webmonkey which had/has a great article on the top
10 rated Flickr tools. I found it very interesting:

My favorite tool of all those was the one that let you caption
pictures! I know, I know ..purely an entertainment tool. However,
one that adds another layer of enjoyment/information to a picture.

So, my tool of choice - it's called "Captioner" and is
created by someone named "shady dentist" (no, really it is, LOL!)

I am going to try to caption my Flickr picture of the
"Lovecats" LOL! But that's for later. For now, I'm
going to go have a bit of fun on Flickr...


Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Flickr - Thingy 5 - "Hey, you missed a beat!" - Did NOT!!

Well, Flickr is fun! Here's my link:

(I used to make
the Flickr link small... try using
it sometime, makes life much
easier when posting loooong
URL addresses...)

So give that link a click and
check out the Flickr
picture! It comes with lyrics...
(yes, lyrics!!)

Anyway... off to work now. More playing and editing
this post as I get futher into Flickr (ie set up account
and start my own posting, LOL...)

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year in 2007!

To all, my wishes for a very happy New Year,
and hopes that 2007 will bring us all we
hope and wish for!